As the Yemen heads towards civil war, with al Qaeda emerging as the good guys in this conflict, back home in North West London I was faced with rather more “first world issues”.
My daughter was incandescent on learning that Zayn had just left One Direction, whilst check-out staff at M&S in Temple Fortune continue to prioritise the bagging of less heavy items of my shopping, despite me placing bulkier things at the front of the conveyor belt.
First world problems are best dealt with by cooking first world recipes; in this case lobster with home-made triple cooked chips and tarragon mayonnaise.
First cut 350g of Maris Piper potatoes into chips, run under cold water for five minutes and then simmer in a pan of water for 20 minutes. Dry out on a rack and freeze for an hour, then fry at 130oC until a light crust forms. Return to the freezer for an hour and fry once more at 180oC until golden.
For the Mayonnaise mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp dijon mustard, a squeeze of lemon juice, and 150ml vegetable oil; add a small handful of chopped tarragon and a pinch of salt.
Boil the lobster until it turns pink, run under cold water and with a large chef’s knife cut along the top of it’s head both ways creating two half’s. Scoop out the meat and remove the sack, which runs along the top inner side of the tail; crack both claws and again remove the flesh.
The fifth member of Britain’s biggest boy band left because he wanted to lead the life of a normal 22-year old. Perhaps the ex-singer would rather have a zero hours work contract, live with his mum and pay off a student loan. If Zayn wants to go the whole hog and work in a supermarket can someone please ask him to pack the heavy items first; after all we wouldn’t his new career setting off in the wrong direction like most normal 22-year olds.
Serves 2
2 large lobster
350g Maris piper potatoes cut into chips
For the tarragon mayonnaise:
1 egg yolk1 tbsp Dijon Mustard
1 squeeze of lemon juice
150ml vegetable oil
1 small handful of chopped tarragon
1 pinch of salt