Halloween Cupcakes
Did I miss the meeting where it was agreed that Guy Fawkes night was being replaced by Halloween, the latter never existed when I was a kid? I guess fewer hands get blown off whilst “trick or treating”.
In anticipation of the midget monsters, daughter and I baked creepy cupcakes for the pretend phantoms.
Flour, caster sugar, baking powder, salt and butter were mixed, and in a separate bowl the eggs, vanilla extract, and milk were also whisked. Both were combined, then spooned into paper cases which were already in the holes of a muffin tin. These were baked for 20 minutes at 140oC/Gas 3. The other sugar and soft butter were then whisked with the milk, vanilla extract and colouring to make the icing, which was used as a topping with both sprinkles and novelty goblin hats that were purchased from a market.
During the week Paul Hollywood revealed on Jonathan Ross that he had an affair. Baring in mind his “Great British Bake Off Show” is on the BBC, the most surprising thing is that the presenter fondled bangers and fired his rocket at someone old enough to light a sparkler.
For the cake (makes 12):
120g plain flour
140g caster sugar
1 ½ tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
40g unsalted butter, at room temperature
120ml whole milk
1 egg
¼tsp vanilla extract
1 quantity vanilla frosting
hundreds and thousands or other edible sprinkles, to decorate
a 12-hole cupcake tray, lined with paper cases
For the vanilla frosting:
250g icing sugar, sifted
80g unsalted butter, at room temperature
25ml whole milk
a couple of drops of vanilla extract and Orange Colouring